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What are the advantages of graphite tubes

Graphite is suppressed by high -pure graphite powder through specific processes.Divided by heating method: longitudinal heating graphite tubes, horizontal heating graphite tubes.According to performance division: ordinary graphite pipes (non -thermal solution) are suitable for low temperature (≤2000 ° C) atomic elements such as silver, cadmium, and lead; thermal solution graphite tube is suitable for low, medium and high temperature (> 2500 ° C) atomic elements;The platform graphite pipe is suitable for the atomic elements of medium and low temperature (≤2400 ° C).

The role of graphite tube:

The atomic absorption spectrum method is established by the measured element atomic atomic atomic atomic atomic resonance radiation of the element.The method has the advantages of high accuracy, high selectivity, good selectivity, and fast analysis.

When experimental conditions such as temperature absorption light and sampling methods are kept, the samples to be measured by the sample to be measured by the element of the element as the hollow cathode light of the sharp cathode light of the sample.It is directly proportional to the concentration of the element (C) in the sample.That is, in A = KC, k is the constant.Based on this, the solution and the inhalation of the solution are measured by measuring the solution and the unknown solution, and the concentration of the solution is also known, which can be used as a standard curve.The method is mainly used to analyze the trace and trace components in the sample.

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